Get Hair Transplant for a Receding Hairline at The Hairsmith Clinic

Hair Transplant For Receding Hairline

Get Hair Transplant for a Receding
Hairline at The Hairsmith Clinic

Hairline restoration, redesigning, or recreation is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving the natural appearance of an individual’s hairline. This procedure is primarily sought by individuals who are experiencing hair loss, receding hairlines, or those who wish to alter the shape and symmetry of their hairline for aesthetic reasons, such as congenital high hairline, how low or high they want his hairline to be, traction alopecia, designer hairline like one’s favorite actor or actress, etc.

The hairline is the most visible and noticeable part of an individual, which creates a facial framing. In the early stages of hair loss, men are usually susceptible to suffering hair loss from the frontal hairline. Hairline placement requirements vary from person to person depending on the size of the face and forehead. Hair loss from the frontal hairline may be hereditary or induced by lifestyle. However, most people are prone to have this problem after turning 30.

In the 40s, the hair loss may progress and make the frontal hairline even less dense. Therefore, early hair reconstruction is needed to tackle this issue.

Types of Hairlines:

Straight Hairline:

A straight hairline is characterized by a horizontal line across the forehead. It’s often considered a classic and balanced hairline shape.

High Hairline/Forehead:

A high forehead hairline is positioned higher up on the forehead, giving the appearance of a larger forehead.

Low Hairline/Forehead:

Conversely, a low forehead hairline sits lower on the forehead, making the forehead appear shorter.

Uneven Hairline:

Some people have uneven or irregular hairlines, which can be a combination of various shapes or exhibit variations in hair thickness and placement.

Round Hairline:

A round hairline is characterized by a curved shape that follows the natural contour of the forehead. It lacks the straight line of a straight hairline.

Square Hairline:

A square hairline has a more angular and squared-off appearance, with a flat or slightly receding hairline.

Maturing Hairline:

In some cases, what appears to be a receding hairline may actually be a maturing hairline, which is a natural part of aging. It involves a slight recession of the hairline but not as pronounced as male pattern baldness.

Widow's Peak:

A widow’s peak hairline forms a V or M shape in the center of the forehead. It’s named after the resemblance to the peak of a widow’s hood or veil. This type of hairline is quite common and can be seen in both men and women.

Planning the Hairline:

The most important part of hair restoration is planning the hairline. The hairline reconstruction surgery in India is done in such a way that it suits the best for the patient. Hairline reconstruction needs to be done in such a way that the hairline is neither too low nor too high. Top hair restoration surgeons take into consideration the following major points during the consultation

The age of the patient:

Most men want to get a low hairline because they believe that it gives them a more rugged appearance but it does not work that way. The surgeon and the patient need to work together when planning the hairline.

General health:

Patient’s health i.e. a patient with sound health and no chronic conditions is an ideal candidate for hairline restoration.

The cause of hair fall:

Hairline reconstruction experts investigate the cause of the hair fall before suggesting a treatment. If you suffer from a chronic condition that causes hair fall and then hairline restoration might not work for you.

Donor hair limits:

When designing the hairline the surgeon will also take into account the availability of the number of donor hair on the scalp. Hairline reconstruction must be done in such a way that the final aesthetic appearance looks as natural as intended.

How is the height of the hairline determined?

The age and facial proportions play an important role in determining the height of the hairline. The adult hairline is higher than the adolescent hairline and the surgeon will need to take exact measures of the face and determine the right angle of implantation before designing the hairline. It is therefore necessary that you only consult the best and most experienced hair transplantation surgeon in India for the purpose.

The correct way of marking hairline is to divide the face in 3 equal proportions or measure the area from Glabella to the lowest point of the chin, then mark half of that area from Glabella (middle point between the eyebrow) towards the scalp. This will be the lowest point of the hairline. Then marking the line towards the temple closures parallel to the eyebrow. This way you will get the non-balding youthful hairline.

  1. Be placed about 7-8 cms or about 3 inches above the eyebrows
  2. Be designed to be about four fingers above the eyebrows
  3. Be placed two fingers above the highest eyebrow wrinkles.

Hairline reconstruction cost

The cost of hairline construction in India varies with the surgeon and the city. Since the result of hairline reconstruction is dependent on the surgeon’s skill; hence it is not worth to compromising the shape of your face for the low price of hairline reconstruction. Do not be misled by clinics promising great results at low prices. Hairline reconstruction surgery is a precise and aesthetically important procedure for that you select the top hairline reconstruction surgeon in India. The cost of hairline reconstruction will also depend on the number of hair grafts that will be needed to reconstruct the hairline. Hairline restoration is an elective procedure and you can discuss the payment plans with the surgery clinic in India.

Why Choosing The Hairsmith Clinic For Receding Hair Transplant?

We make the best hairline that gives your face a wider, rounder look is considered a more attractive hairline. Hair lines such as low hair lines, medium hair lines or bell forms are considered attractive by many people. Even a layman knows that to draw the best possible result of a hair transplant, one has to draw an impeccable natural hairline. Our founder, Dr. Ankit Sharma (Aesthetic Physician & Hair Transplant Consultant, Trichologist) is well known for creating the best possible hairlines for patients. The most important steps in creating a hairline are “DAD” (Direction, Angles and Density). They produce results naturally so that even closed ones cannot figure out if you have gone through any hair job. We have been so phenomenal in hairline designs that every team member of ours knows that the hairline cannot be filled with doubles, triples, or quadruples of hair. The hairline zone has to be given different attention while performing a hair transplant, about which our experts are very well acquainted. We use a customized approach and draw unique hair lines as per the requirement of each unique face.